Monday, April 25, 2022


Killian is the biggest dog in the house now, by a pretty good margin actually. Fortunately he's sweet and friendly, and he also listens to his mother, Della. He's had bedroom privileges since he arrived but Della made it clear that he wasn't allowed on the side of the room where the girl dogs sleep. 

Killian didn't eat the first day he was here, but then he did, and today he had soft poop bordering on diarrhea so he's back to fasting. I was told this is not unusual for him, nor is it unusual for any Dane, except possibly Della who can eat anything, including raw rabbit, and not have the slightest problem with her digestion. 

I had Killian and the others out in the yard this afternoon while I finished planting the things I had bought on Sunday. But it was hot then and everyone just laid in the shade and watched me. We went out later when the sun was headed down and everyone had a good run in the pasture. Killian ran with Della, and he ran a lot with Tilly. 

I tried taking some posed pictures in the best patch of buttercups. Tilly and Killian were great with that because they would come over when I called them and sit when I asked them. My own dogs are not nearly as cooperative.

Killian and Tilly

I'm guessing that this blue and orange helicopter is UVA's medivac, Pegasus?
Mostly I took the picture to show how blue the sky was today.



Max has been off his meds for a couple of weeks now. The prescription was messed up and I couldn't refill it so I tried tapering him down and off entirely. He's getting only some hemp oil on his food now and has been doing pretty well. He's older and I'm hoping he has aged and mellowed. Today however he got himself really worked up. I had to find that 4x4 for him to carry to keep him from going after the dogs who were running and playing. Max can't do that.

This dogwood, growing beyond the fence from the lower pasture, is the nicest one I've seen anywhere this year in terms of the quantity and density of its flowers.

Max and Tilly making their way back up the hill. Spring grass is so beautiful.

Killiian, Max, and Tilly


Killian posing by my new front fence. I need to paint it this summer.


Tilly sitting amid the buttercups

Killian doing the same

I took Vger out this evening for some ball time.

He and Della are ok together, but they almost got into this evening, and
Max was already worked up, so I didn't try letting Vger meet Max.

We played ball in the front yard instead of the pasture.
There's still plenty of room to run and Vger liked checking out the new territory.

This was Killian when we went to bed last night. He was sprawled out the full width of the bed and he tried to convince me that he slept in bed at home. I called him on that b.s. because Erika had told me that he used a crate at night. His tail was hanging off the other side of the bed. He started wagging it when Clay came in the room, hitting Maya with it as she was laying on the floor. I made him get down before we went to sleep.

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