Thursday, August 22, 2024

Daily walks

The weather has been so nice that I've been doing both morning and evening walks at Pleasant Grove. I go after my morning and evening meals hoping it will boost my metabolism and burn off what I've just eaten. I started on Ozempic a couple weeks ago, determined to drop my weight under the 200 pound mark that I almost reached last December before coming down with Covid. I then put on about 15 pounds again and I've lost most of that, but I'm still not where I'd like and need to be. I am eating less than ever, mostly I've stopped eating something every time I pass through the kitchen. 

Wednesday morning it was Elvis and Woody, the new shepherd.

Wednesday evening, just Bailey.

Thursday morning, Bailey and Woody.

Thursday evening, Bailey and Elvis.

I need to get Norman into this walking rotation soon.  

Della enjoyed some time laying in the sun this afternoon and she's getting around pretty well still. She needs help getting upstairs but she made it down stairs on her own this afternoon. She's occasionally almost using that bad leg when walking around outside. She really thought she wanted to go on at least one of the walks today but I had to tell her I didn't think it was a good idea. She's really enjoying the canned food that she gets with her pills, and of course the cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets. 

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