Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Doggie summer camp, third session

The third session of doggie summer camp got off in a very big way today with the arrival of two Great Danes, both former fosters, Mo and Ro. MoDean (formerly Allagash) was one of Della's puppies from five years ago. A little later that year his family also adopted Galaxy (now Rorschach) who came in with the Great Dane hoard later that summer. These boys added well over 200 pounds to our pack weight today and they are with us until next Wednesday.

MoDean is a merle Great Dane, but he was always the darkest of the merles and he's gotten even darker as he's grown up. Rorschach is the most vocal Great Dane I've ever known. He has a lot to say and wants everyone to know what's on his mind.

MoDean remembers his mother and treated her accordingly.

The boys were happy to get out to the pasture to run around a bit, but the heat of the day made it a brief outing.

MoDean and Rorschach are pretty much joined at the hip.

Della was making some play overtures to MoDean later this afternoon.

Bailey is still learning this fostering game. She's not sure what to think of new dogs coming in all the time. These two aren't fosters of course, but she doesn't know that. She's a bit defensive, hackles up in greeting, but she and MoDean were figuring it out and I expect will be playing together soon.

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