Monday, August 12, 2024

Summer evening in the pasture

Bailey and I did a two mile walk early Monday morning and a second, slightly longer hike late Monday afternoon. When we got home Bailey still had plenty of energy and we still had plenty of time to get everyone out to the pasture for a run (I rode the mower). It was cool enough that Della ran with us more than she usually does on these summer outings.

Bette, Rorschach, and Della headed out

Bette is about the size of Elvis, which makes her one of the smallest dogs out there, but she has shown that she can run with the big dogs.

Bette and MoDean

Bette and Elvis

Della and MoDean

Della in stalking mode

A near miss

Rorschach and MoDean

Heading back in after a good run

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