Sunday, August 25, 2024

Weekend wrap up

 I'll just let the pictures do the talking.

Laying in the shade after a visit from the neighbors Saturday afternoon.

    Della polishing off a plate of cheese burgers.

Porkins running around the yard under a pretty blue sky.

Della and Porkins. She was been very tolerant of him, but he's also learned to leave her alone when she says "NO."

Norman, during a pasture run.

Norman and Bailey together. You can definitely see the Malinois in him.

Bailey, executing her signature move, the pounce. 

Della is doing up and down stairs entirely on her own now. That's a good thing, because my back is messed up again and I'd be hard pressed to help her up right now. I had to lay down in bed this afternoon and she climbed into bed to snuggle with me because she knew I was hurting. 

Most of the garden is still looking pretty good.

I was walking Bailey Sunday morning when she suddenly stopped. She was looking up in a tree we were passing by. I finally spotted the squirrel that had caught her attention. This girl has tremendous visual acuity and is really tuned in to movement of any kind.

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