Monday, August 5, 2024

Growing pups

The puppies are growing up fast. But first, a couple of garden pictures, including one featuring a goldfinch. (I filled my bird feeders this afternoon too.)

Pretty yellow goldfinch sitting on a black candle stand in the garden.

I like this corner of the garden.

The dobies are getting more adventurous when I let them out of the Daneland. Instead of following me directly to the dog yard they are taking a little time to explore the larger yard. 

But they know I have food so they soon come through the gate to start scavenging for it.

Someone gave Clay this pink wading pool at Patch this past weekend. The Shar-peis didn't have one but now they do. Thank you. It was a good day to take a dip and they did.

Porkins (left) and Maz (right)

Maz was particularly fond of it. Look at that fully submerged muzzle.

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