Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Welcome Woody

I wasn't supposed to be taking in any more dogs this summer. But a sweet, gorgeous, one-ish year old shepherd in a shelter appeared in my messages Sunday afternoon, and now he's here. He needs to be a short-timer, one that I won't even remember in a year or so because he was such an easy foster and got adopted so quickly. Seriously, he needs to get adopted quickly because we are going on vacation in October and I still don't have a house sitter for our own household dogs. 

He is sweet. Bailey likes him and she isn't always immediately accepting of incoming dogs. He has spent the afternoon in Daneland with Bailey and Norman and they have all had fun. The three of them had a pasture run in the evening while I mowed. Last night he was crated in the kitchen with only Paisley for company and he was quiet after the first couple of minutes. I expect he'll be tired enough tonight to have another quiet night. He has met everyone in the household and been fine with them all. Welcome Woody.

Meeting Candace. She didn't want to play with him so she got up and left, but he was good about it.

He loves his ball. The shelter sent a few along with him.

Bailey is a very good match for his size and energy.

1 comment:

Risa said...

What a handsome boy. I'm sure you won't have him long.