Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Woody's walk

Today was the day I wanted to take Woody out for a walk to see how he was on a leash and get some good pictures of him to do an adoption post. He had been out in Daneland all day with Norman and Bailey. Before the walk I wanted to take all three dogs to the pasture to run. When I went out to get them out of Daneland I discovered that Woody had a split in his right ear, running a good inch or more down from the tip. If I had to guess, I would say it was Bailey's handiwork. 

Fuck, the best looking feature of a German Shepherd Dog is their ears, and his now look a little funky. We went on the walk anyway and I made plans with Erika to take him over there later for a little glue magic. He was really pretty good on the walk. He pulled a little bit, sure, but really not bad at all for the first time out, using just a leash on a martingale collar. He enjoyed the walk and it was my second for the day, having done an early morning two miler with Bailey.

We ran to Lowe's for some superglue and then over to see nurse Kevin who glued the ear back together while I held his head and Erika fed him treats. I can't say that it will be as good as new but it will be better than it was or would have been without the treatment. He's going to be on crate rest, away from the others, until it heals. 

This picture shows the split, damnit. 

Here he is stuck back together.

Still a fine looking dog, and a very nice one.

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