Thursday, August 8, 2024

Wet and rainy

We are finally getting some much needed rain from the remnants of hurricane Debby. No severe weather here, at least so far. It's just been a nice slow steady rain, giving it a chance to soak into the dehydrated ground rather than just running off. Rainy days mean bored dogs but this isn't supposed to last beyond tomorrow and there have been breaks in it today that have enabled all the dogs to get outside enough to take care of business. 

Before the rain even started, Ketsu's family came out and took her home, leaving us with just the two Shar-pei pups, Galen and Porkins. They were very excited to get her (they've been out several times to visit prior to today) and they sent me a couple of pictures already with news that things seem to be going well. Her new name is Martha.

In her new home.

The Danish boys, MoDean and Rorschach arrived on Tuesday and have been on a hunger strike. They are both carrying plenty of weight so I was not concerned and this evening they finally ended the hunger strike and ate their dinner. It's the same food they eat at home but they are accustomed to free feeding and that's not an option around here. You have to eat at designated times or the food will disappear. I caught Candace eating out of one of their bowls yesterday when they ignored it and Della always comes by looking to see if anything has been left. 

Bette settled back into the routine around here very quickly, including her sleeping spot under my desk and her bed in the bedroom at night. Bette is part rottweiler so the thought of pulling a hunger strike would never occur to her. She races out to her food dish at meal times.

Momma Dobie (Padme) was adopted a few weeks ago now. She has a new name, Brynn. I saw this wonderful picture of Brynn and her beagle brother on the adopter's Facebook page today and lifted it, along with a couple of others. (Thanks, Traci!)

And here's a few more plant pictures because we'll miss them in the fall and winter.

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