Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Trooper, wishing I'd come open the gate to the pasture.
The last couple days have felt more like the beginning of April rather than December.  I'm not complaining, nor are the dogs.  I have some days off next week, I hope this mild weather lasts so I can get some work done outdoors.  The days are so short now that I don't have much of a chance to work outside. 

Here's a few pics of our seven household dogs enjoying the dog yard this afternoon.

Riley the rottie is pooping like a big dog.  Now it's just a matter of watching to see if she can gain weight.  Everyone's guts seem to be functioning normally again, but the panacure will continue for a few more days.  No one minds, it comes with canned food. 




Zachary and Trooper



Gigi again, because one picture is never enough

Zachary and Trooper again


Bremo and Zachary


jennifer said...

Ladys got great muscle tone in those legs now!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics! What a great group of happy dogs!

BudsBuddy said...

Poop seems to have been the primary theme of your last few posts! I guess that's the way it is when you have 5-10 large dogs with worms. Glad everyone seems to be feeling better and the pyr pup will be finding her way to a new home shortly. A friend adopted a 10-mos pyr-lab mix that weighs 85 lbs!