Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Solstice

It's not watching the sunrise at Stonehenge, but I had a small Solstice celebration here on Monday, after a full day of work.

Maya and I did an evening five mile hike, ushering in the Solstice while out on the trails.  We saw more people than usual, summer people, and one snake.  I think we both prefer winter hikes, but I need to get back to the walking routine and keep it up through the summer.

When we got home I took Max, Penelope, Theo, and Hardy out to the pasture for a twilight mow.  I had enough light to mow by until 9:00 p.m. and I thought about using my headlamp, but the dogs were done so I decided to call it a night.  Happy Solstice, welcome to summer.

Max and Theo

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