Saturday, July 21, 2018

New Life Experiences

I've had the danes out in the dog yard during the day lately, except right after their respective surgeries. They are still skittish, however, and I am determined to get them over this because it's going to be a real obstacle to adoption. As I understand it, Hunter and Indigo were seized from a breeder/hoarder situation so they just never had much human interaction. They need to get out and see the great big world so they won't be scared of every little thing. They also need to learn that there are a few decent people in the world and they need to trust me to pick them out.

Since both Hunter and Indigo have had their surgeries, what they need now is more life experience and human/dog interaction. I was determined to make some of that happen this weekend. Human/Dog interactions around here are generally one of three things:  (1) visiting breweries; (2) hiking; or (3) pasture romps. Here are some pics of all three.

We took just Indy to James River Brewery in Scottsville on Friday evening. I hadn't done anything but work all day and I was bored and wanted to get out of the house. And I wanted Indy to come along. She was fine going along and fine for the car ride, but she was not crazy about going to a new place with new people.

First we settled into a corner of the outdoor bar in the beer garden out back. She liked the corner because she felt secure and could just watch, but she had no interest in interaction. The bartender brought her a bowl of water and dog biscuits and tried to make friends but she wanted none of it. I decided to take her inside where she would be forced to interact a bit more. She didn't want to, but she did. People wanted to pet her of course and they did. Finally we got her sitting between our bar stools and she was all right with that, finally even laying down and looking relaxed. It wasn't bad for a first experience, especially being without Hunter.

By the way, this is what happens when you leave Maya at home
and take another dog out to a brewery in the evening. She tore up

a bag of plastic bags that were headed to recycling and shredded
many of them. Not so bad, but it got her point across. And no, she
was not the least bit sorry about it when we got home.

Saturday morning started off cool with a nice breeze. I took both Danes, plus Maya, up to Pleasant Grove for a hike. The Danes have done this before and they both seem to enjoy it and they walk very nicely together.

At one point in the walk we stopped for some
reason and Indy came over and put her muzzle
in my hand and let me hold it. That was a first.

Indigo on the run.
This was Hunter as soon as he came through the
gate from the dog yard to the pasture.
I had wanted to hit another brewery Saturday evening but we didn't make it. Instead, I took Indy and Hunter out for their first pasture romp along with Theo, Max, and Rugger. When I opened the back gate of the dog yard that opens to the pasture, the shepherds rushed right out as they always do. The Danes stayed back, not sure what awaited them out there. Indy actually came out first and immediately began running around, clearly enjoying herself. I had to coax Hunter a bit, but he immediately joined in the fun once he came through the gate.

It was nice to see them romp and play, of course. But what I also liked was that once we were out there they stuck close to me and responded when I called. They ran and played and explored, but were never out of my sight and readily came back to me. Hunter would run with the shepherds when I threw the ball but he never got one and I don't think really wanted it. Indy played the Rugger's toy but mostly she played with Hunter and just ran. At one point she came running towards Hunter and actually jumped over him. I wish I had been fast enough with the camera to catch that, but I was not. They all had a good time and I think it helped build some trust between us. I had been reluctant to turn them loose in the pasture, even though it is fenced, because I wasn't sure I'd be able to get them back in when I wanted to. Indy made it until about 5:00 a.m. before waking us up on Saturday. I hope that maybe with the pasture time we'll be allowed to sleep until at least 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning.

Indy with Rugger's new toy.

I have not seen Indy as relaxed and happy since she's been
here as she was out in the pasture Saturday evening.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

I think Maya needs a night at the brewery:-) Love all the pics!