Friday, September 21, 2018

A Better Day

Sparky did well overnight at the emergency vet clinic. I picked him up from there early Friday morning and took him back to the regular vet for another day of observation. He walked out on his own in the morning and even hopped into the van on his own. He still wasn't his usual Sparky self, and he still hadn't eaten for them, but he was certainly more alert than he had been the night before.

I had an appointment at another vet with Clyde at 2:00 p.m. Clyde has had a bit of a cough, and both his eyes are goopy. Turns out his ears are dirty too, which surprised no one. The big surprise, a pleasant one, is that he tested negative for heart worms! So the cough isn't due to advanced heart worm disease, and that's a good thing. The vet was unable to trigger the cough, and he didn't do it while we were there, naturally, so it may or not be kennel cough. We are treating it as if it is, however; a little doxy and cough suppressant never hurts. We had a neuter appointment for Clyde for next Friday, but I think we will put that off for a week to give him a chance to gain some weight, lose the cough, and just generally get healthier. He got vaccinated today anyway, and he and the Colin are on day two of their panacure treatment for worms I'm just assuming they've got.

Clyde was sweet, friendly, and cooperative with the exam, shots, and blood draw. It was a marked contrast from the intense wrestling match he and I had getting him into the van at home. I was dreading a repeat of that performance in the parking lot outside the vet's office, but this time he climbed right in, with only minimal urging. I'm going to have to start taking him on fun trips so he won't immediately decide that travel is bad.

Clyde weighed 105 pounds today, but look how skinny he is! Another 20 pounds and a new coat and he will look great.

After getting Clyde back in the van, we went to pick up Sparky to come home. He still hadn't eaten there, but he made it into the van on his own, and out again when we got home. I wasn't as prepared as I should have been so he had to wait a bit while I brought the giant Dane crate into the kitchen (thank you, Bob!) and got it set up with clean beds, blankets, and water.

I made him chicken and rice for dinner. I had some of it but he wouldn't eat it. He did give it a sniff and he seemed to enjoy going out on the front porch where he always eats. I let him wander around a while on his own and then put him back in the big crate with his uneaten food. He wants to come upstairs, but he's not fighting me on staying in the crate in the kitchen, at least for now.
I'm hoping to see a happier Sparky soon, but with
all he went through, I'm just happy to be seeing him.

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