Thursday, September 13, 2018

Fun with Coco and Arlo

Coco is the cutest and sweetest little thing. She's small enough that I can pick her up, hold her, or carry her, and it's been a long time since I had a dog like that. She's also rotten to the core. She steals shoes, and the poops and pees indoors. There's work to be done, but since she's got heartworms and will be with us for a while, there's plenty of time to work through all that.

TJ and Harvey sometimes try to join in, but they act like
they aren't quite sure of the rules. 

She loves to play with Maya, and they often compete for
toys, but in a playful way.

Remember Arlo? Arlo isn't another dog, although that would be a good name for a dog. Arlo is our in-home security system. I moved one of the cameras to the upstairs guest bathroom because someone has been using the shower rug like it was newspaper. I was quite certain it was Coco because she's not housetrained, but I wanted to catch her in the act. It didn't take long.

I also caught her in the act of stealing one of my shoes, which I later found in her crate in my office.

Harvey, on the other hand, came in and checked everything out, including the camera itself, but didn't touch and didn't take anything.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Busted! I love that you got her taking your shoe:-)