Sunday, September 23, 2018

And Now for Something Completely Different

Well, maybe not completely different, it is a dog after all, but it's a Golden Retriever, a breed we've not often had around here.
Meeting Sparky through the crate.

He has an interesting story, or at least an unusual origin. It seems that he's from Turkey originally. He's a nice boy. I didn't introduce him to everyone, but Maya came charging downstairs barking, fur up and ran right up into his face, and he handled it very well. That was not a good way to introduce dogs but the fact that he handled that so well says a lot about him. He may not be good around small children, and he can be protective at times, I'm told, but for the right person he seems like a great dog.

He's a big boy, probably 85 pounds, very thick and solid, and pretty tall and long for a Golden. About 3-4 years old. We don't have room for him at the moment, but it was nice to meet him today.

p.s. Sparky is slowly recovering. He's still not eating dog food, but he will take pieces of turkey or bologna when fed to him by hand. He did eat some canned dog food too. Yesterday he ate some of my Satin Balls but today he wouldn't touch them. He really wants to come upstairs but I don't think he's ready yet. He walks around outdoors, slowly, with no problem, but even sitting down is still painful for him, I don't think he's ready for the stairs.

Look at that feathered tail!

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

OMG- that tail! He's precious!!
I hope Sparky is healing well! So glad he's back home!