Monday, September 3, 2018

Long, Hot Weekend, Day 3

Maya, with her feet up on the gate,
with TJ and Max in back.
"At least I didn't have to work" is about the best thing I can say about today. The relentless heat and insufferable humidity continued unabated. I took the female trio out for their morning walk and did a little mowing later, but that was about it for the day.
Front, L to R: Mercedes, Maya, TJ, and Coco
Rear: Max and Vince

The three girls are really beginning to look forward to, and expect, the morning walk, and I see no reason to upset their expectations in the short run. It's better in the morning than any other daylight hour, so I think we will continue morning walks. It's too hot for the senior dogs any time of day.

Little Coco continues to work her way into the pack. She's pretty good with the movements from crate to outdoors now. I still don't trust her quite enough for the big dog yard or the pasture, but that's maybe just as well since she will be going through heartworm treatment and be on activity restriction soon anyway. She's generally fine loose in the house when we're home, but I have found her taking one of my shoes to her crate on a couple occasions, but not chewing it. When I came out of the shower this afternoon, I found her laying on my dirty clothes, and rubbing herself on them. I'm not sure if she's imparting her scent onto me or picking up my scent onto her. Maybe it works both ways, but I think she's bonding with me.

These first three pictures were taken yesterday evening in the Hallway of Dogs as I was trying to get everyone organized to go to bed.
That's Harvey's big head on the near side of
the gate as we were going to bed. Harvey and
Theo stay in the kitchen, the rest were headed
upstairs, Max and Coco to the office, and the
remaining six to the bedroom.

These next pics were today on the Labor Day walk, which was identical to the regular two mile route we've been doing for much of the summer due to heat and bugs.

Below are a few screen shots from a weather app on my phone called WTForecast. They pretty accurately describe my thoughts about the recent weather around here.

And finally, probably the best thing to come from the hot, wet weekend was this bloom on the magnolia tree next to our house. Some things thrive in this climate, just none of them are mammalian.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Finally caught up on reading your blog which I missed for the past few days and love hearing how Coco is settling in. I think she is claiming you for herself:-)
I give you a lot of credit for walking in this heat and humidity. This kind of weather makes me crazy!