Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Wet Walks

Some of these were wet walks because it was raining or misting a bit. Some were on wet ground after recent rains. Today the humidity was back in force so I was as wet from sweat as I can get from the rain. I've been sticking with the morning walk routine, but the last couple days have done a second one later in the day as well. The dogs just want to go regardless of the weather.
It was drizzling when we started out on this
walk and Maya looks wet.

I even got Trooper out for a walk today, but I should have done it Sunday or Monday when it was cooler. I won't take him again, or TJ, until we feel some cool air. Harvey was able to do the full two miles without stopping. It's been cloudy at least, and a bit cooler than the first time I took him. The direct sun on a hot day was just too much for him. Mercedes and Coco are thinking that they need to go every time, like Maya, which makes it hard to leave one of them at home if I want to take someone else, like Harvey or Trooper. I did take four out on one walk today and that was fine. It's probably going to get a lot wetter whenever Florence makes its way inland to us, so I'm trying to get in as much walking as possible before then.

Mercedes (left) and Coco (right) on wet roadway.

Maya sometimes looks like she doesn't have a
lot of patience with my picture taking. Besides,
no one looked their best that day in the rain.

Maya and Coco

Harvey, still with two leashes.

I sort of lost track as which print belonged
to which dog, but I think this was Harvey.

This was was just Maya and Harvey. I wanted to make sure
he could do the full two miles before adding another dog.

Mercedes was upset with me when I didn't
take her on a second hike today, but she had
already been out once.

Trooper started out full of energy but
the heat and humidity really slowed his
pace towards the end.

I'm pretty sure this was Trooper's print. The wet
red clay is good for foot prints.
And this is Mercedes, same red clay.

Coco, Mercedes, Trooper, and Maya. Not a bad group picture.
We spotted several deer towards the end of this walk Tuesday
evening and I was glad I had only taken three dogs.
Maya and Harvey

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