Monday, September 26, 2022

Max misses out

Nothing much to say. It was a nice day that featured a bit of wind, which is unusual for this area but it felt nice. I was buried in work most of the day but got out for a 2.5 mile hike with Della and Elvis. I was actually planning to take Max, but Max was outdoors when I was preparing to leave and he wouldn't come to me. Max follows his routine and none of his routine involves coming when called. I finally put food in his food dish in the shed, walked inside the house to get Elvis, and then shut Max in the shed where he stayed until we got home. You can't do anything out of the ordinary on the spur of the moment with Max, it requires planning. But Elvis enjoyed the walk. Elvis also enjoys sharing Max's big bed in the office during the day. Max isn't crazy about that but Elvis sometimes sneaks in when Max is sleeping.

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