Saturday, September 17, 2022

Walking the four fosters

Saturday was another beautiful day. It doesn't feel like fall yet, but the extreme heat seems to be gone and we had another day with no rain and less than 100% humidity. Della likes to come in for a morning nap after breakfast so I took the opportunity to sneak away for a walk with Elvis and Paisley. 

Paisley pulls on the leash pretty steadily, but Elvis walks nicely right next to me most of the time. There were a lot of people at Pleasant Grove (on the soccer fields) so we went into the woods for a nice 2.5 mile walk and saw absolutely no one. I walked Paisley using the martingale collar that she normally wears so we didn't have a repeat of the incident with the harness that happened last week. The reason I usually prefer a harness for walking is that the attachment on the top of the back helps avoid the leash getting under the dog's body and around their legs. But Paisley kept the leash tight so it never dropped enough that it got under her. I used the harness on Elvis and had no problem. We had a great walk and the dogs enjoyed it.

I worked outdoors in the afternoon cleaning up the boards and debris from the dog yard fence demolition that I had done last weekend. Della was outside with me, along with Max, for most of the afternoon and she got some pasture time when I went out there to get a mower. Late afternoon I took the other two fosters, Rita Rottweiler and Olivia, for another 2.5 mile walk. We started on the trails behind the library so it was a completely different route from the morning walk in a different part of the park. But like the morning walk we saw no one and everyone enjoyed it very much, especially when we spotted a couple of deer. 

Olivia walks like Paisley, with a strong and constant pull on the leash. I used a martingale collar on Olivia as I had done with Paisley. I had a harness on Rita, who walked nicely by my side most of the time, like Elvis, except when we saw the deer. If I wanted to switch things around, I could easily walk Elvis and Rita together, but walking Paisley and Olivia together would be a struggle.

I'm certain that Elvis slept in bed with his former owner. 
His future owner should expect the same.

He finally broke his hunger strike this evening and ate his dry food.
I expect he was used to getting some canned food or table scraps with the food,
but he finally ate the dry food by itself tonight.

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