Friday, September 30, 2022

Storm prep

It looks like we are in for a wet and windy weekend. I'm hoping we don't get as much rain as I've heard mentioned, but I thought it prudent to make a few preparations. I stocked up on food for both us and the dogs. I put away machinery and anything else I didn't want getting wet. I've got fuel for the generator in case the power goes out. And I got in a three mile walk Friday morning before the rain started.

These pictures are from puttering around outside on Thursday putting stuff away, from our hike Friday morning, and from the final preparation, taking in a new foster dog, a golden retriever named Henry. Just in case we need something else to track in mud and water over the next couple days. 

Here's Cosmo, Max, Maya, Paisley, and Elvis out in the pasture as I was moving the mowers.

Elvis found a spot he wanted to roll in.

Everyone else checked it out too.

Maya was most interested.

Max found an old frisbee to carry. Della was off hunting bunnies.

Maya and Elvis both had a good roll.

Cosmo came out with us to the pasture at least.

Paisley loved coming out with us and she came back in the house this time too.
I have demolished the old dog yard fence, but haven't put up a new one yet.

Della and Elvis walking together Friday morning.

It was windy and it looked like it could start raining any time, 
but it held off until we were back home.

Five dogs on a small landing at the top of the stairs is not a recommended way to introduce a new foster dog. But my dogs are pretty used to this by now and I didn't expect any trouble from them or from the new golden boy, Henry.

I understand that this guy has an adopter lined up, as does our rottie, Rita, but I don't expect anything to happen until Ian drops its rain and then dissipates.

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