When this guy first contacted me he said that he and his wife had a disagreement. He wanted a German Shepherd Dog. She wanted a small, fluffy dog that would be easy to walk. He was interested in Koa. My first reaction, and I told him, was that he was going to lose that argument.
So it was my mistake when I adopted Koa to him last week. He sent an email to his caseworker on Thursday about returning Koa because he was being destructive in the house when left alone. She forwarded it to me and I wrote him back saying that I would meet him on Saturday in Culpeper or Sunday in Gainesville.

He called the caseworker again today basically demanding that someone come pick up the dog immediately, he was too busy to meet me either day and it was too far to drive. Fucking piece of shit. Seems that he was leaving the young dog alone for 11 or 12 hours. Fucking stupid piece of shit. Anyway, it was my mistake and one that I will try not to repeat.
The caseworker kindly picked up the dog from the asshole and met me up in Warrenton this evening. I just got home and have decided not to make the trip to Gainesville tomorrow. I have a lot to do myself and I've already driven that stretch of road once this weekend.
Koa and Ranger were glad to see each other and they are together again tonight. There was a lot of interest in Koa and I'm sure there will be again, but I'm rather soured on northern Virginia adopters. I will try to find a competent local adopter for him.
What an a$$hole. At the adoption day down here in Va Beach, at least three people came up to me, one that is GTG that I have done a home visit on asked about Koa specifically. He would definitely not be alone 11 or 12 hours, maybe 1 or 2 max, :)
Poor Koa. It's better that he's back with you than staying with those people.
This case just supports my opinion that most people have no idea what it means to be a responsible pet owner. Good thing that Koa was able to return sooner than later. Imagine the trauma the dog could have suffered if he stayed in that household longer.
At least you gave it a try, it is hard enough to adopt dogs out, you can't anticipate how self centered some folks are.
It always amazes me that people are never too busy to travel to get the dog, but when it comes to returning it they can't possibly find the time. Oh well, as the others said better that Koa came back sooner rather than later. I have found that "if mama don't want the dog, ain't nobody wants the dog." I have often counseled women NOT to let the man and kids pressure them into getting a dog they don't want, because sooner or later all the work will get dumped on her.
PS: Welcome home Brent, such as it is. Don't be too hard on yourself. When you are trying to work miracles you can't expect to have a 100% success rate! Koa is no worse for the wear and sounds like he will find his forever home soon enough.
Thankfully Koa is back with you and as you said, there is plenty of interest in him. Not everyone in Northern VA is an *&^%$!
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