I love rotties. They really are probably my favorite breed of dog, but let's face it, rottweilers lie, cheat, and steal. I'd trust a rottie with my life, but not my dinner. They will lie and say that they haven't been fed in days. If someone else comes home, they will try the same line on them. They have a way of getting what they want.

All my non-rotties have learned that when you eat near a rottweiler, you eat quickly to avoid what we call the "rottweiler rush." The rottie will gulp his food down to finish first and then charge another dog's food dish. They just put their head down and barge right in, usurping the other dog's position and instantly finishing their food. The rush is usually accompanied by a "get-outta-my-way" growl, so rarely does an actual fight ensue; the food is gone and the incident is over before the other dog knows what happened.
Today, however, we had a visit from a rottweiler who came bearing a gift. Daphne is the dog, Mary Jane is the adopter (she has adopted both Stoney and Daphne from me), and they brought me a bale of straw. I use a fair amount of straw. It is great bedding in the winter. I fill up a dog house or a-frame with it and let them burrow in to make a warm and cozy nest. This time of year the need for straw is less about warmth and more about mud control. With rain predicted this week, I'm sure it will come in handy.
Daphne is very attached to Mary Jane. They had a little problem with separation anxiety in the beginning, but the use of a crate sorted that out and it's now part of their household routine.
Gorgeous girl, I love rotties as well. Awesome dispositions just wanting to please their humans no matter what!
Yes, rotties definitely lie, cheat, and steal. But when they have a smile like Daphne's who could hold it against them? :)
We use straw for mud control. Works great.
I love the first picture with the woman! The dog is GORGEOUS! Looks like a stuffed animal. Growing up, rotties were my all taime fav. GSD's took the lead, but they follow close behind!
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