Thursday, October 11, 2012

The price of being a dog

Even in the doggiest of households, where familiarity is valued far more than cleanliness, lines must be drawn.  The smell has been getting a little funky around here, so it was time for some baths.  Putting up with the occasional bath (almost rare around here) is just the price of the being a dog. 

Gigi's ears and skin were getting a little yeasty.
I had to lift her into the tub, but she could step right out on her own.

Vince wasn't thrilled about it, but he let me do it.
He gave me this look that said,
"You know I wouldn't let just anyone do this, don't you?"

Lady couldn't stand up in the tub,
so she was easy to wash.

When I carried her upstairs, I could tell she had
put on a lot of weight.

I had to use both hands to keep Trooper in the tub,
so I only got pics of him outside in the sun afterwards.

Trooper coming down from his platform.
He uses 2-3 steps and then just jumps.

Gigi, clean and shiny after her bath. 
It was amazing how dirty this dog was for having such a short, thin coat.



Anonymous said...

Love the pics! It's so true. They look at you like- Do you really have to do this? I'm ok just smelling the way I do! LOL

Lindsay said...

i love Lady! What a sweetie!