Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mr. Congeniality

We met friends Jan and Paul (adopters of Chester and Duval), and Sam (adopter of Maze) early this evening for a couple of beers. We took Porkins along and he once again proved himself to be a most congenial bar patron. 

I was holding his leash but Porkins sought out attention from everyone else at the table. He liked to have someone petting him as much as possible but would settle for leaning up against someone's leg. He tried to climb into a couple of laps. Other folks in the brewery (Decipher) came over to meet him and he was equally welcoming with everyone. He's just a nice dog.

My back is slowly getting better thanks to my nurse:

and my physical therapist:

1 comment:

Peg Dixon said...

Porkins is adorable! He looks truly blissed out in the 6th photo, leaning against someone's leg!