Tuesday, March 31, 2015

As Dog is my witness, . . .

I'll never be abandoned again. I'll never be on my own again. I'll never be lonely again. As Dog is my witness, I'll never be hungry again.

I've named her Scarlett.

We had a vet appointment today. She was good and the test results were better than expected. She tested negative for heartworms! and her stool sample was negative for parasites. She tested positive for Erlichia, so she's got a course of doxycycline treatment, but that's pretty good considering her previous level of care.

She's probably seven years old at least, but still in good shape. We are guessing she's spayed, given her age and lack of mammary development. I'm not going to open her up to find out unless she goes into heat. Most importantly, she's been just fine with all the other dogs, including the puppy, Felix, who went along with her today.


Anonymous said...

She's a beauty...just look at those eyes!


Anonymous said...

Lucky Miss Scarlet to have landed with you. I'm sure that she knows she hit the doggie jackpot.