Friday, May 20, 2022

More puppy pictures

As long as I have puppies I will always have plenty of material for a daily blog post. It's rare that I don't even without puppies. The days that I don't post it's generally due to reasons other than lack of material. I think I'm safe in assuming that no one will tire of puppy pictures right away, although I will still include some others. 

But today was mostly about the puppies again. They are still mostly consuming the milk but they get some of the pulverized dry food along with it and they will eventually come to see it as their main food source. I went back and checked my blog from the time of Della's pups and we had started them on gruel and then mush at about four weeks because Della had a bout of mastitis and didn't want to nurse much for a few days. I think these pups are about that age and it's too early to have them off of their mother under ideal circumstances, but like Della's pups, circumstances necessitated an early weaning.

Jan and Paul came over again this evening and we weighed everyone again. They all had small gains. Once they are really eating the solid food the rate of growth will pick up, but I need to remind myself that these are not Dane puppies. They are beginning to get at least some of the poop and pee on the pads, for which I'm grateful. I'm also grateful that there's only six of them, not 10 or 12. 

Check out Moscato on the right. She is really developing a husky-looking coat very quickly.

These two are just as cute as the puppies they are holding, Chablis and Chardonnay. 

None of the pups object to be held. They seem to like it.


Pinot is the most outgoing of the pups. She will come up to me when I'm cleaning.

Chablis on top of Chardonnay

Pinot on the left, Merlot drinking

Merlot eating some of the mush even after the milk is gone.

Merlot sacked out on Riesling. 

This is a good view of Moscato's silver coat, second from right.

1 comment:

Scott Rothe said...

Ridiculously cute. They are certain to be popular in high school.