Sunday, May 22, 2022

Puppies and more

We still have other dogs, although the puppies have been taking center stage around here lately. 

Sly is the cutest, sweetest little Dane pup, and very well behaved for being just six? months old now. He's eating three times a day but I've been bringing him in during the day after he's had time outdoors to do his business after each meal. He's had no accidents in the house and he's good in the crate all night. Sly has been without a playmate since Tilly got adopted but he's working on being all grown up and mature so Della will like him. He rotates between Della, Maya, and Paisley, even trying to befriend Max sometimes.

Paisley is a puzzle. She got comfortable with me although she's still skittish and freaks at sudden movements or sounds. She's still scared of Clay and barks at him, especially when he's on his crutches. She's good with other dogs, for the most part, but she's begun to act like she's hot shit around here, and has taken to trying to push Max around. She hasn't tried it with Della or Maya and she had better not. Last night she didn't want to come in the house when I brought Sly in for the night. She ran around the yard for a while and then put herself back in Daneland, so that's where she spent the night. She did the same thing after a session of running around the yard with the other dogs today. At least she's happy out there; she doesn't bark and shows no interest in trying to escape and run off.


Sly and Della. She may not play with him, but she keeps an eye on him.

Max and Sly

Paisley and Della in the front yard as I'm watering the flamingo garden.

Ok, now back to the puppies. They are devouring their food now. I fed them three times today, wanting to make sure they ate it all each time, and they did. I'm increasing slightly the quantity of dry food each time and will start cutting back on the replacement milk powder. I may go to 4x per day feeding as long as they continue to finish it all each time. The poop is still softer than I would like, probably because of the milk. 

They are more active and playful each day, and today they really seem to have discovered their voices, see third video.

Mr. Merlot is very photogenic and finds himself in front of the camera pretty often.

Listen for Riesling's howl in the video below.

1 comment:

Risa said...

Paisley looks a lot like the late lamented Franklin. I hope she doesn't have his escapist tendencies.