Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Conehead kids

Odin got neutered today. He's still groggy this evening and he didn't feel like eating. I'm not concerned about that for tonight; from the way he looks and carries himself, it's clear that he's not feeling great just yet. He's got a cone on and he had some water and now he's hunkered down in a crate in the kitchen for the night. He'll be spending most of tomorrow there too, no outdoor time in Daneland for a few days at least.

Clay picked up Odin from the vet and brought him home this afternoon. I met them outside with a cone ready to be put on him. A couple days ago I had tried to put a Gentle Leader on him and he fought me so much I did not want a repeat of that scene with the cone. Fortunately he was too drunk to fight. He wasn't happy about it, but let me put the cone on and he hasn't yet tried to get it off. This is probably when I should at least get the Gentle Leader fitted on him properly. 

Maya is doing well. She's feeling better today, acting pretty much normal, and even coping with the cone pretty well. I had been planning to use one of those post-surgical wrap suits on Maya instead of a cone, but when I got it out I realized it was Great Dane sized. We've got a thundershirt too that might have fit her but I could not figure out how to put the thing on. There was velcro everywhere. Anyway, it's not Maya's first time in a cone and she's handling it well.

I brushed a lot of fur out of Odin in the parking lot before he went inside.
He went happily along with the vet tech, blissfully ignorant of what awaited him.

We gave him some water when he got home and showed him how to eat
out of a bowl while wearing a cone.

Maya managed to split the first cone I put on her yesterday,
but this one is holding up pretty well.

Maya was more vocal again today so I know she's feeling back to normal.

Maya had no problem eating with the cone.

His outdoor activity is going to be limited to solo time in the a/c yard for a few days.
This evening he didn't even want to leave the top step. He just wanted back in to his crate.

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