Friday, July 15, 2022

Della and Kilo

It was early and still too hot, but I was bored, so I decided to take Della and Kilo for a walk. I have walked with Kilo at least once in the past but I didn't have any specific memory of how it had gone. 

I started out with using a harness on him but soon realized my mistake. The first couple hundred yards weren't terrible, but then a squirrel ran across the gravel road. He leapt forward, taking my arm and shoulder with him. It wasn't long after that we spotted a rabbit and he dug in an started to drag me after it. He would ease off when I yelled at him, but it was clear that we were going to have problems. Kilo may be only part Husky, but I am no part sled and I really didn't want to be pulled. We turned around and headed back to the van for a change of equipment. 

I had the Gentle Leader that I had tried on Odin last week still in the back of the van. Unlike Odin, Kilo didn't fight me putting it on. I got it on him, and also a slip lead as a safety measure and off we went. He fought it for a while, but stopped short of doing the alligator death roll and full on tantrum that Odin had done. He settled into it fairly well, but still fought it from time to time. I was very grateful that Della once again was modeling perfect walking behavior. At least I only had one difficult dog. 

We went three miles, which was long enough for Della in this heat. It was long enough for me too really, although I need to do more. Kilo enjoyed it in spite of the Gentle Leader and it should be better next time.

This is Kilo throwing all his weight, strength, and youthful energy into forward motion.

The Gentle Leader gave me a big advantage.

One time when he was fighting it and trying to get it off his face,
Della walked over to him and told him to chill. 
I'm not sure it had much effect but we did get on our way.

Kilo and Della at Sparky's watering hole.

Three miles

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