Thursday, July 7, 2022

Pinot, Paisley, Maya, and Della

I saw Pinot yesterday. She's boarding with Erika while her recently adopted family is off on vacation. She is still as cute as ever and continues to live up to her reputation as a smart girl and an escape artist. She's growing and her ears are both up and getting taller by the day.

I took Paisley out to the yard today along with Della and Max while I was watering plants. She was happy to be out with us and she stuck around really well, although I kept a long line on her, which I did need when it was time to come back inside.

Maya and I had a vet visit today because she's got a big bump in her chest that looks swollen and inflamed. She's scheduled for surgery on Monday to get it removed and tested. My little girl is over 10 years old now. She is so scared at the vet's office that her entire body shakes. Trooper did a lot of wonderful things for Maya, but he also passed along his absolute terror of the vet. I took her along on one of his vet visits back when she was new. When I brought him back out from the vet's office, he was still so upset that she wiggled her way out of a crate to be with him. He must have told her of unspeakable horrors, although Trooper never had a vet visit for more than vaccines and a check up in all the years we had him.

This evening I took Della up to Pleasant Grove for our two mile walk. I had a doctor's visit yesterday, and although I had lost 12 pounds from the prior visit, my blood sugar was still too high. I need to lose at least 30 pounds more pounds so I'm going to try to get back to walking again in spite of the heat. Watermelons are coming into season now and I can eat a lot of that and convince myself that I've had food, so maybe that will help too. Della walked beautifully, but she still doesn't understand why no one is doing anything about the bunny problem in the park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope Maya is OK. I love that girl.

Della looks very concerned about that rabbit problem. 🐇

Rachel S