Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Paisley's night out

It was Paisley's turn for a night out. More of a late afternoon and early evening really. We went to Decipher for a beer. There were a few folks there but not a huge crowd. I advised against reaching out for her in favor of letting her make the first move. With that one bit of advice and a small bag of treats everything went great. She took treats from strange men, let a woman pet on her for free, and was soon rubbing up against people whenever she could.

She's very treat motivated and handing her one goes a long way towards establishing a relationship with her. 

Our next stop was at Berta's place for dinner. Paisley was fine with Berta, with or without treats. She met the cat too and got as close as the cat would allow. She didn't show any aggression or prey drive toward the cat, but the cat wasn't interested in meeting her up close. If I'm remembering correctly, Paisley may have lived with a cat in her former home too.

She enjoyed both of our stops and she rode quietly in a crate in the car the whole way to town and back. I had been crating Paisley next to Kilo at night in the kitchen, but since Odin came he needs the crate more than she does so I've left Paisley free at night. She's been fine. She's still not overly fond of Clay but she doesn't bark at him much since he's not using crutches or wearing anything odd on his foot now. I still think she would prefer to be with a woman primarily, but the right man could certainly win her over with a little patience, and a few treats. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brent- thank you so much for all you do and sharing this update on Paisley. I’ve been following her story closely as we have her mom. If you ever want to plan an excursion into Charlottesville to meet up with her mom, just ask Erica to connect us. All my best