Sunday, July 24, 2022

Beating the heat

It's just been ridiculously hot this weekend. I had come up with a list of things I might do but I did none of them because they were outdoor things and it just wasn't enjoyable to be outdoors.

I injured or re-injured my back on Saturday so I did a little outdoor work to loosen up my back, but I also took muscle relaxers and consequently had a rare nap Saturday afternoon. The dogs didn't mind it much, they really had no interest in being outside. I'm pretty sure Della played a trick on Maya when we were in bed. Della started barking, using her alert bark as if something or someone was outside. Maya hopped down and went to look out the window to investigate. Della then took advantage of her absence and stole her spot in bed up closer to me. The two girls get along very well, but sometimes there is a bit of competition between them, generally related to proximity to me. 

Sunday I went for a three mile walk with Della fairly early in the morning before it got too unbearable. It was just Della because she needs it more than anyone else and I wasn't up to wrangling multiple dogs.

Della and Maya napping in bed with me.

Maya always grabs the spot up against the pillows to be closest to me.

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