Thursday, March 30, 2023

Shepherd visitors

The shepherd boys had a visitor today. Actually they had one yesterday too, who came out and sat with them and fed them hot dogs. Dakota tried to climb into her lap. Today's visitor passed out treats as well. They weren't hot dogs but they were well received and once again Dakota tried to climb up to get closer to the source. The best thing about today's visitor is that she's interested in fostering one of them, starting probably this Sunday. 

She met the boys in Daneland first and made friends by passing out treats. Then I brought them over to the dog yard, one at a time, to meet her other dog. Sturgis was the most interested in her dog but I think it could work out with any of them. The good news is that they walked to the dog yard on a leash, I didn't have to drag anyone or even pull very much. They are getting better with that. Fargo goes to the vet tomorrow to be vaccinated and neutered.

I didn't have time to hike today, but I did take Norman out to the pasture on a leashed walk. He would have preferred to run around free, but he needed the leash work and I needed a little exercise. It was his first time out there and he was interested and excited to explore so he kept going with me pretty well. He really only stopped on me once and tried to refuse further forward motion. He wasn't great but he was better than the day before. I just need to keep doing it.

Sturgis taking a chewable treat.


Gathered round the visitor and her treats.


Fargo, Sturgis behind 

Sturgis, with Fargo behind

Fargo leaning in for a treat.


Dakota, getting up close and personal.


Sturgis in the dog yard

Sturgis meeting the visiting dog.

Dakota in the dog yard

Fargo, looking handsome

Norman walking the pasture with me.

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