Friday, April 7, 2023

Wet walks

I switched the air conditioning back to heat today. It was chilly and wet most of the day but I think it did most of the actual raining when I started out on a hike with Paisley and Elvis. I hadn't walked yesterday so we persevered and covered almost three miles. 

By then the rain had stopped so I drove home and swapped dogs, taking the two foster shepherds, Dakota and Fargo, for their first real hike. I double checked their collars before we left, making sure they were tight enough that they couldn't slip out of them. Actually, they didn't even try very hard. They walked along pretty nicely, always behind me but I didn't have to pull them. They were together, so that helped, and I think they even enjoyed it a bit. At one point they even moved forward to where they were walking next to me. 

6 miles

We had the park to ourselves because the weather was lousy and I didn't feel bad not taking Della because she is really not a fan of wet weather herself. The shepherds and I walked over three miles until I hit six miles for the two walks combined. 

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