Sunday, April 9, 2023

I'm a pretty girl, damn it!

Della got a couple of outfits for Christmas. One was for Easter, and second one will be for Pride. Here's Della in her frilly, girly Easter outfit. I wasn't sure how she'd feel about it but she didn't hate it, she might have even liked it. She let me put it on her and she didn't try to get it off. When we were out in the pasture she walked by me most of the time instead of running off to do her own thing as she usually does. I took lots of pictures and told her how beautiful she is. 

It didn't slow her down.

Ok, here she looks like she's daring anyone to laugh at her. No one did.

Purple and black are good colors for her.

1 comment:

Rhonda Lee said...

Oh My! Della is adorable!!