Saturday, April 29, 2023

Cider house dogs

Potter's Craft Cider held an event today for Green Dogs. Potters is an absolutely beautiful place and today was to perfect day for an outdoor adoption event. 

I took Dakota, of course, as he's my only foster dog right now. He's never been to anything like this and he wasn't crazy about it. We took a seat back behind the table sort in an outside corner of the building so he felt a little bit of security, but not much. But people were very respectful of his shyness and a couple of volunteers worked with him patiently. It was such a beautiful day that once he settled down I was comfortable so we stayed for probably three hours. 

He had more human contact today than he's had in his entire life, I'm sure. I hope his takeaway was that human touch can be acceptable, maybe even enjoyable when they rub the head and ears just the right way. 

He survived it anyway, and I had two glasses of their Flemish Sour cider, which was delicious. When we got home I took Dakota and Elvis out for a hike to make up for all the socializing that he tolerated so well.

Jamie bought him a frozen pup treat from the food truck. 
He gave it a few licks but he wouldn't eat it or any of the treats we offered.

The best thing I did all day was hand him off to Joyce while I went inside.
She got him actually enjoying the head rubs.

The harness was too big for him but I felt better with a second leash attached to him.

Jamie sat with him and offered him water from her hand.
He actually took a little of it.

An expected but pleasant surprise was seeing three of my former fosters! Two of the pups from Lexie's litter, about two years (?) ago. They are huge! Much bigger than Lexie. 

There was also an appearance by Boomer (now Jax) from Holly's litter, but he went by so fast I failed to get a picture of him. He's really growing tall too.  

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