Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sweet Jeremy

Jeremy at an adoption event
I've been bringing the dog yard dogs (Jeremy, Luke, and Ryland) inside in the afternoons to get them out of the heat during the hottest part of the day, which is also the time of least shade in the dog yard.  When I brought them in on Tuesday, Jeremy vomited in his crate.  That's unusual, but I don't panic the first time a dog barfs, they just do that sometimes.  But when I went to take them back outside in the evening Jeremy didn't want to go, in fact he refused.  That's very unusual because Jeremy is nothing if not cooperative.  He always goes along with the program.  It was then apparent that he wasn't feeling well so I didn't force it.  When I took him out at bedtime it was obvious that he was walking with some difficulty, like he was in pain.  I didn't even try to feed him that evening and it didn't appear that he was drinking the water in his crate.

I wasn't at all sure what I would find Wednesday morning, but Jeremy got up and came outside to do his business pretty much as usual but obviously not moving quite right.  When he came back upstairs he drank a fair amount of water, went back to his crate and then vomited up all the water.  I did a little bit of work and then loaded him into the van and we went to the vet, calling them along the way.  The office was open but it was still well before 9:00 a.m. so no vets were there.  I dropped him off with instructions to do whatever was needed. 
I came back home, worked, had a phone conference at noon and then headed out to do a home visit that I had put off for far too long.  At some point I talked to the vet.  Jeremy had a very high temperature and a low white blood cell count but otherwise his bloodwork was pretty normal.  I authorized an xray, which they did, but it didn't show anything obvious.  His temperature came down a bit. 

After the home visit I loaded up Bremo and Max (the male black lab) and we went back to the vet.  Bremo got his second Lyme vaccine, Max had the heartworm/lyme/erlichia test (all negative).  Jeremy had been drinking water but vomited it up again and his temp was back up so I left him there for the night and they were going to start an IV with fluids and antibiotics. 

I don't have a good feeling about this. 


Tammy said...

I hope Jeremy feels better soon....I hope he didn't eat something! ;-) lol. I'm sure you will take good care of him!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, that does not sound good. Do you think it is some sort of heat related illness? May be it is a parasite. Poor dog.
Here we have trouble too. My new dog Moose, after initially only testing positive for whip worms, tested positive 2 weeks later for Corona Virus, Whips, Coccidia and something else.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about Jeremy.. he;s my favorite, and I always fantasize about having room/a house/money for him!

BudsBuddy said...

Poor Jeremy! I know he has a special place in your heart. I am hoping for the best.

Living the life in The Little City said...

Jeremy has been my favorite of your group. I hope he makes it. Sweet dog.

Janice said...

Make sure it's not bloat. That's what the vomiting sounds like. I don't know if the xray shows bloat.

bbes tribe said...

Sorry to hear Jeremy is not feeling well. Keeping paws crossed they find out what the problem is and can help him feel better and get well soon.

Darlene said...

Poor Jeremy. He is so sweet. I will keep good thoughts that things turn better for him. Thanks for taking care of him.

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness.. I hope Jeremy is okay. I too, have always had a soft spot for him. Keep us updated. - Jennifer Q

Anonymous said...

Fingers and paws crossed that Jeremy is going to be OK. It's so scary when a beloved doggie is ill and can't tell you where it hurts.