Thursday, March 17, 2016

Harper's emergence

This may be a bit premature, but we are beginning to see a new Harper. She's coming out of her shell, at least peaking out occasionally and letting her guard down, just a bit.

I put two bales of fresh straw in the AC yard yesterday because the ground was wet and the dogs were tracking it in. Fresh straw is like catnip for dogs, it makes them playful and giddy. When I saw Maya being playful, I made a point of getting Harper out there too because she had tried to play with Maya in the past with only limited success. She saw Maya playing and wanted to join in, but she wouldn't really let herself go until I went back inside. Only when I was removed did she really relax and play. Consequently, most of my pictures were taken from the inside looking through the window.

Thursday afternoon I took her hiking with Trooper and Maya and it was her best excursion yet. She didn't lag behind so much that I had to pull her. She walked next to me and even looked at me like I meant something to her, something positive rather than something to be feared. On a couple occasions she even moved out front and walked next to Maya and Trooper--that was a first.  At one point some joggers ran past and she perked up her ears and tail, put her fur up, and acted like a female shepherd. I picked up Scarlett today, she's spending a week with us, and Harper met her with confidence that I haven't seen from her before. I've even heard her bark a couple times.

This is the new Harper and I like her.

Harper, on the left, that's a happy tail.


Coleen said...


Jamie said...

So wonderful!! I am thrilled to see her doing so well.