Monday, January 3, 2022

Snow day

We got about a foot of snow, more than predicted and far more than we were prepared for. We usually fill up some buckets of water to flush the toilets and fill some water bottles for us and the dogs, but this time we did nothing. Storms are usually over hyped around here, and last year we had zero snow, so we definitely underestimated this one. It was barely freezing so the snow was wet and heavy. It hung on trees and power lines and brought many down.  Our power went out around 9:00 a.m. and the outages increased throughout the day. We lunched on charcuterie and Bloody Marys and leftover Christmas cookies. 

I used the gas grill to melt snow for water for the dogs until the propane ran out. The storm passed and the sun came out making for a few beautiful afternoon hours before the sun went down about 5:00 p.m.

There are still downed trees on even major roads so it will be some time before a snowplow comes down our road. I didn’t get out to hike today but just a walk outside around the house was enough to make my legs think that we had gone at least five miles. 

When it was still snowing and blowing this morning no one wanted to go out. When the snow stopped and the sun came out they all wanted to go out to play in it.