Monday, January 31, 2022

Teardrops will fall

The smallest of Allison's puppies, the little girl we called Sojo died Sunday night. She had been doing well, but then started losing weight for no apparent reason. She saw a vet and then spent two days at a specialist/emergency vet hospital in Richmond before coming home, apparently stabilized, but she died at home Sunday night. 

Her new name was Bertie and she was well loved by her adopter, by me, and by many others vicariously. This little girl had a rough start and we knew she had the potential for new or continuing problems. We all hoped that she would make it, but it was not to be. 

She was the sweetest little girl. I'm glad she had some time in a home where she was loved and nurtured. She developed a fondness for her owner's laundry basket. I'm sure it didn't matter whether the clothes were clean or dirty, it made a nice place to nest. 

She was sweet but she was also fierce. She could and would hold her own and mix it up with the bigger pups. We are all saddened by the loss, but we were enriched by her life more than we are diminished by her death. 

Allison cleaning her up after a messy bottle feeding session.

A song from one angel for another.

I have shed some tears today, but life in rescue doesn't stop. Grover got neutered today although he is no worse for the experience this evening. The young ones bounce back fast, especially the males.

And even on the worst of days, there is often some good news to be had. Here are a couple of pictures of Karma, adopted a year ago about this time.

I didn't get a picture of it, but River is finally learning to do the stairs so he can come up to my office and sleep with the others where it's warmer. He started going up on his own a few days ago and today finally walked down on his own in a controlled manner, as opposed to the out of control slide that he had been doing. 


Rachel said...

I'm sorry to hear about Sojo.

Byron's Mom said...

I am so very sorry Brent. Heartbreaking to lose her. She knew love because of you, Clay and her adopters and for that I feel so thankful. Doesn't diminish what you are all feeling. Please know I'm thinking of you all.

Risa said...

Deepest and sincere sympathy on the passing of Sojo. She has littermates waiting for her at the Rainbow Bridge, along with dozens of friends. Her sweet little spirit will live on.