Sunday, December 11, 2022

Building trust

I went out to the puppy shed this morning with a bowl of canned and dry dog food and she was happy to see me. It was a good start to the day. 

I had to run out with Kinley to meet someone but Clay went out there while I was gone and sat with her petting her head. I got home and Erika arrived shortly thereafter to do a bunch of touchy feely stuff with the puppies. Their eyes aren't even open yet, but it's time they can be exposed to some new sensations.  

What I was wondering is how Holly would deal with it all. We put her outside initially when we cleaned up and replaced the bedding. She wasn't happy outside, lots of screaming and scratching at the door. When the bed was ready we let her back in. She wasn't angry, just anxious to check on her pups. She laid down and I sat next to her with a short leash on her, handing Erika one puppy at a time. Holly didn't object when I'd pick one up although she always kept an eye on the puppy. 

It was better having her present and I think the most valuable part of the exercise was actually getting Holly to accept someone else handling her puppies and seeing that we wouldn't hurt them and would always return them. I hope it will become easier for her each time we do it.

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