Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Getting on with it

It finally stopped raining this afternoon, but there's no sun in the forecast, so we are just into the mud sucking season. But dogs still need to poop and pee and I'd prefer they do it outdoors, so we just deal with the mud as well as possible while getting on with the routine around here. I have Thursday and Friday off and will be spending part of the time building some wooden trails over commonly walked routes around the yard so I'm not slogging through mud up to my knees. Della and Maya use them too.

The dogs and I both need exercise, so I let them out to run around a couple times a day and I took Daisy and Twix out for the two mile walk at the park. Daisy will be going back home tomorrow. She's a very vocal Rottweiler, which can be rather intimidating for some other dogs. She's been fine with everyone here but I have kept her away from Paisley, that's just too much attitude. I walked Daisy with Elvis when she first arrived and she's spent time both inside and out with all the others since then. Today she walked with Twix and they both enjoyed it. 

I told Holly that I'm off work Thursday until Tuesday, so this would be good time for puppies.
She heard me, but I'm not sure my words have much influence on the timing.

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