Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The care and feeding of Holly, and her puppies

Holly seems to be producing a good milk supply, plenty for everyone, and we want very much to keep that going. To that end, we're putting a lot of food into and through Holly, the font of mother's milk and all that is precious. 

Holly eats four times a day. I fill her bowl with at least half a can of dog food, an equal amount of cottage cheese, and then two cups of dry puppy food. She devours it all and polishes the bottom of her food dish before coming over to me to deliver a typically messy, but sincere, kiss. 

She's looking good on this regimen and so are the puppies. Holly's coat is improving and she's even growing fur back over her bald spot that resulted from a prior flea infestation. Holly does all the care and feeding of the puppies and they are growing, in fact they are looking quite chunky now. Their size is making their efforts at walking more difficult, but they still manage to get around the whelping pool as much as they need to, which isn't much because they are never far from mom. 

One part canned food, one part cottage cheese, two parts dry puppy food

Holly sitting next to me for some petting after eating.

The blond pup on the right is Charlie, chowing down.

Even Camilla has taken in a pudgy appearance.

Here are puppy weights as of 12-20-2022

Charlie and Camilla are swapping places on the chart each day.
Every pup is now over two pounds and Boomerang is over three!

1 comment:

Laura S. Jones said...

Nice! You could write a dog mom cookbook….