Saturday, July 6, 2024

Mercy and the girls

Mercy went to her new home today. Her family had met and adopted her before they went on vacation last week. They were back home on Friday and came to pick her up today. I'm very happy for her. They lost their male shepherd fairly recently and were needing a new pair of upright ears in their lives. She's the sweetest, easiest, female shepherd I've ever had. Norman will miss her the most. I'll have to make it up to him somehow.

The other big event around here today was finding a home for momma dobie, Padme. She's still here for now, I'm going to take her out to meet the resident dogs in her prospective new home one day early next week, but I'm quite confident and content with this new home.

I started the day about 6:00 a.m., fed all the dogs, fed both sets of puppies, cleaned indoor and outdoor puppy spaces, watered all the pots in all the container gardens (that's a lot), made egg muffins, and then got ready for the noon visitors. By the time they were all gone I was pretty well wiped out for the day. I did a second feeding of the puppies and then put the shar pei pups inside the cool puppy shed for the rest of the afternoon. Everyone got their water replaced with fresh, cool, well water, and I went back inside where I failed to nap. 

I got a lot of play pictures today. I'm still amazed at the number of female dogs we have who all get along. With Maya gone, Della is the sole, undisputed ruler of the dog pack.


Della and Maze playing

Bailey and Padme

Maze and Padme

Della and Maze again

I loved this trio — Padme, Bailey, and Mercy

The three of them running down the hall into the kitchen.

Bailey and Mercy

Della and Maze drinking from one of the fountains.

Della, napping

Maze on a bed in the office. Maze now sleeps in the bedroom along with the Della, Elvis, Bailey, and Bette.

Padme on a walk with her prospective adopters.

Padme and Bailey playing with the remnant of a toy.

Padme (standing), Bette, and Maze

Della in bed as I tried but failed to nap this afternoon.

Bailey was scared by the overhead ceiling fan but then jumped up and snuggled very close to me.

1 comment:

Risa said...

Mazel tov to Mercy and Padme. May they live long and happy lives in their new homes.