Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fur and flowers

Hux went back to his foster home this morning, but before he left I walked him around the gardens and took a few pictures.

Just as Hux was leaving, Rocket arrived. Rocket was here recently, in June, for a week or so, but he started life here as a foster puppy called Merlot about two years ago. He got reintroduced to everyone indoors today. I'll let him play with Norman tomorrow, it will be good for them both.

About noon we had a visit from a family who have been approved to adopt one of the Shar-pei pups, Ketsu. They came out to meet her and seemed quite taken with her. She certainly did her part, showing herself to be a sweet and well socialized puppy who really likes people. I didn't take any pictures because I don't know the people, so here's a few random shots of other dogs from the day.


Bailey and Della

Killian and Bailey with bits of Rocket and Della

After everyone was gone and all the dogs were settled in, I took a much needed shower and then went up to Patch with Elvis for a couple of beers. I didn't have the energy for Bailey, Elvis was more my speed this afternoon.

He is a happy little dog, especially when there are French fries involved.

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