Sunday, July 7, 2024

Food and water

The puppies are consuming a lot of food. I've already been back to Green Dogs once to pick up more because they went through my initial supply so quickly. Since then I've received food donated and shipped via Amazon directly, including one shipment today that didn't indicate who had sent it. Thank you whoever it was, I can assure you it will be put to good use. 

I like a chunky puppy and I thought that the Shar-peis were a little gaunt when they first arrived. They plumped up quickly such that today I actually tried to cut back the amount of food I gave them. The Doberman clan is just ravenous and they seem to inhale any amount of food I put out. They are a slender breed of course, but right now all that food is going into upward growth as their legs stretch out more and more each day. Both litters are eating three times a day. 

It's been hot and dry around here for weeks. I don't even want to think about what our electric bills will look like this summer with two a/c units running in the puppy shed 24 hours a day. The dobies' outdoor space is under the heavy canopy of the birch trees and it's really pretty decent there, but I have to put the Shar-peis inside for a big part of the afternoon to keep them comfortable. Momma pei is inside most of the time and everyone is inside at night, and all would be if we ever got any rain. 

I refresh their drinking water every day, but today I went a step further and added a wading pool for the dobies. It was the last one available at Wal-Mart this afternoon; I expect there's been a run on them in recent days. Here are a few pictures and videos. 



Nala navigating the ramps

Watching the pool fill and having a taste

Eventually, venturing in, first one foot, then two.

This outdoor raised bed is a popular spot.

This first video is just a morning play session, before I got the pool.

Meal time with the Shar-pei pups:

The Doberman meal time is a feeding frenzy. Often I  just scatter the food out on the ground as I did here. It slows them down, slightly, and gives every pup a more equal opportunity to eat.

Here's the filling of the wading pool.

And more play time:

And clicking here should take you to my most recent TikTok.

And here are Della, Bette, Elvis, Maze, and Norman out in the recently cut pasture Saturday evening.

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