Monday, July 15, 2024

Evening pasture time

It wasn't until 8:00 p.m. that the temperature finally dropped to 90 degrees. We still had a half hour before sunset and another half hour of usable light after that. I gave the puppies their evening feeding and then took Norman, Bailey, and Della out to the pasture. I also took along a bucket of water for them and set it just inside the pasture gate. 

I did some mowing. Della finds a spot in some nice grass where she can observe. Bailey and Norman did their thing, whatever that is. 

I quit mowing just before dark and took Della and Bailey back in the house. Norman stayed outside with me and ran around the yard while I did my third session of watering for the day, the flamingo garden this evening. Then I finally got Norman back to Daneland and then put the puppies inside for the night. By the time I was done and it was dark, it was finally beginning to feel halfway decent outside. This is a hot summer. 

Della and Bailey, inside but wanting to go out.

They even tried playing together a little bit.

Bailey showing Della that she can play tall dog style.

She would probably like it if I'd park the van in the pasture with the back open so she could lay on her bed in comfort while being outdoors.

Norman and Bailey

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