Friday, July 12, 2024

Mid-summer madness

It's been a very busy week with work and weather and all the dogs. We finally got a slight break in the heat and some relief in the form of rain. I didn't water today for the first time in well over a month. The gardens still look good, this is about peak time for summer blooms, but the heat has certainly stressed out some of the plants. It has stressed out me and the dogs as well. Maze went home today, dropping our canine count to 21. Dash goes home Sunday and Bette about next Thursday. But the next wave of canine campers begins arriving next week. 

My idea of having a garden party has gone out the window, but anyone who is interested is very welcome to come by and see the puppies and/or the gardens. Just let me know, text or Messenger is best, call if you must, I don't even look at my email very often any more. 

Bailey on a walk Wednesday evening, our first in a while.

Doberman pups playing in the water as I re-filled it on a hot day.

Bailey loves to play in the stream of water coming out of the hose.

This is Galen showing me that he could get his head and shoulders through the railings on the porch.
I'm not sure his belly would have made it through, but I added a grate to make sure.

And here's a few flower pictures:

I love the caladiums as part of this fountain.

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