Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Pei puppy portraits

These four Shar-pei pups are just as cute as they can be. I took a stab at making individual portraits for each of them today. All four of these puppies are friendly and well-socialized. Surprisingly, they seem to be well on the road to being potty-trained; they do 90 per cent of their business outdoors.

Maz is perhaps the most photogenic of the group. She was the easiest one to sit and pose. She's also the most outgoing of the group I think. She's the first one who will come up to you for attention.

Galen is the pup who likes the water and is often partly wet and partly muddy. He's got a chunky body and an even bigger head that is just beginning to wrinkle up, Shar-pei style. 

Ketsu is the smallest of the four pups. She didn't sit in the posing chair so well this afternoon, but I got some good shots of her on the porch earlier.

Porkins is the big boy of the group, as his name implies. He's got the biggest body and the biggest head. His wrinkles are really beginning to form. 

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