Thursday, July 25, 2024

More dobie time

After morning feed I cleaned up inside the puppy shed and then put the Shar-peis in there while I walked the seven Doberman pups over to the dog yard by leash. They were better on a leash this second time, much better really, probably because they knew I wasn't taking them to their doom but rather to the big yard to have a good time. 

They ran, they played, and they did some digging judging by the dirt on them. I grabbed two or three of them and lifted them up onto the platforms. They thought that was fun, and at least one of them got back up on her own later. I expect more of them will do the same over the next few days. 

We had two escapes from the dog yard. One was through a gap where the gate is hung and I closed up that space with a 2x4. The other I'm not sure about, but it was Nala the Adventurer and no one else followed her. The back of the dog yard consists of 6' high kennel panels rather loosely fastened together. I'm sure there's some holes in there but it's completely overgrown with honeysuckle and visually it looks like a solid barrier, and for a big dog I expect it is, but for a skinny little slender dobie pup with a strong sense of adventure it was a tempting challenge and she took it on. She ended up in the pasture trying to get back into the dog yard. When I put her back in she didn't escape again. 

I did a head count periodically throughout the day. They operate pretty much as a pack now so they stick together really well. But with more space and more things to do they have the opportunity to strike out on their own a bit, and that's a good thing.

Love the smiles on these two.

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